Megan Dettloff

Dr. Megan is passionate about natural living and sustainable wellness. She draws on a lifetime of experience using herbs and years of formal education in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  She works with each patient to determine the best treatment based on individual wellness goals and conditions.  Megan received her Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University in 2021.  This program emphasized Functional Medicine and tools to integrate Eastern and Western Medicine for optimal health.   Megan received her Masters in Science in Oriental Medicine in 2011 when she became a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist.  Since that time she has enjoyed working with patients to minimize pain, enhance fertility, regulate digestive imbalances, alleviate pediatric and geriatric concerns, and address auto-immune conditions and digestive imbalances. Prior to studying Oriental Medicine, Megan received her Masters of Science in Biology and Spanish from UW Madison in 2007. Be sure to bring Western Biomedical lab reports to the initial treatment if available - much insight can be gained from these reports to create the best treatment plan integrating Eastern and Western Medicine.


“My son spent his first 2 years on and off antibiotics for ear infection after ear infection.  After the first treatment the infection cleared and he hasn’t had one since.  My husband and I decided to continue the holistic appraoch for his digestive issues, which have also resolved!”


Certified Nursing Assistant

“My husband and I (36 years old) have been trying to have a baby for the last 2 years.  Our fertility doctor put me on Clomid, which resulted in a pregnancy, but sadly I miscarried at 9 weeks.  I also had short menstruation cycles, and abnormal FSH levels which led the doctor to put me on progesterone.  During the first year we got pregnant 3 times, but sadly, all ended in miscarriages. At this point I started to see Megan Dettloff-Meyer for acupuncture.  Not only is Megan a very warm and caring person, but she is a very intelligent knowledgeable person in her field.  Megan’s acupuncture and herbal treatment plan for me was to increase uterine and ovarian blood and energy flow which in turn would lengthen my menstruation cycle which would normalize my hormone levels.  I loved Megan’s approach to treatment focusing on treating the cause of the problem with my infertility not the symptoms. Megan also gave me wonderful food suggestions that not only helped with overall health, but also fertility health.  Within 3 months of starting acupuncture treatment my cycles went from 24 days to 28 days (I was over joyed), and 3 months later I was pregnant (without the help of Clomid and progesterone).  I continued acupuncture with Megan during my pregnancy not only to lower my chances of having a 4th miscarriage, but also to minimize my intense morning sickness which I also had with my first 2 children.  I feel very blessed to say that I am 8 months pregnant and this has been the easiest pregnancy yet.  Thank you Megan!

I would recommend Megan to anyone wanting to get to the root of their problem and to come up with a customized systematic approach for their treatment plan!”


Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 

“Megan is a truly gifted healer.  Her warm demeanor and open heart will make you feel welcome on your first visit, but the results you’ll experience are what will bring you back—that is if she hasn’t already solved the problem after your first visit.  I have entrusted my health in Megan’s hands for the past several years for a multitude of pain-related issues, but I was most impressed by her understanding and compassion towards my reproductive wellness.  After five months of uninterrupted menstruation and several visits to my gynecologist, I sought Megan’s informative and attentive advice.  While my “Western” doctor suggested that I remove my non-hormonal IUD and begin taking anti-depressants, Megan listened to my concerns and addressed my struggles holistically.  After a few treatments and within one month, the bleeding ceased and my life continued.  I felt more grounded, sane, and alive.  I whole-heartedly recommend Megan as a practitioner.  There isn’t another person that I trust with my health.”

- Jillian

History Professor

" I had been having consistent nightmares for years. I would wake up in cold sweats with my heart racing. I tried therapy and other exercises and nothing worked. Once I tried acupuncture with Megan my nightmares stopped entirely. Megan's technique was centered around my core imbalance, and it has been the best therapy yet! Megan took the time to consult with me and find out which areas in my life needed healing whether it was physical or mental. She takes a holistic view and truly cares for her patients. I recommend her to anyone in need of healing or just general improvement in their lives."


Artist and Writer

I was a true skeptic when it came to the positive effects of acupuncture. Dr. Megan,  with her gentle, caring approach made me a true believer. I would awaken at 3-4 a.m. with a pounding headache, probably three to four times a week. After a series of treatments, I can no longer remember the last time I woke up in pain.


Retired Store Manager

Ready to Relax and Heal?